3 events found.
Singing Club for Children
Rye Creative Centre New Road, RyeCome and join Marian for a free singing hour every Monday. All children of primary school age are welcome. Parents welcome to attend or have a coffee in the coffee shop on site at The Creative Centre, Rye. We learn a wide variety of songs as well as chatting about our news and sharing. Contact
The Music Well AGM
All our welcome to attend our AGM. Please follow the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89596342659?pwd=cVhhTzVaU0dMZWVmVFdST29oK0pWZz09 Meeting ID: 895 9634 2659 Passcode: 685203
Evening meditation with sounding bowls
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76630010721?pwd=k1xTwTmLzgKMu2aX3Q2xd0epY06nKI.1 A small contribution would be appreciated to help sustain this, thank you