Singing with others in a group can greatly enhance your sense of well being. You do not need any experience or expertise to benefit from singing. Warm up exercises lead into well known traditional and contemporary songs, depending on the group’s own decisions. Leaders never force anyone to do what they do not wish. The singing is mainly for your well being, not so much for performance although many of the singing groups take their joyful singing out into the community for the benefit of those in care homes, residential homes and for fund raising events.

The benefits to well being are:

  • being part of a group/community/less isolation/new friends
  • greater self confidence
  • less depression and anxiety
  • fewer trips to the doctor (backed by research)
  • easier breathing/less snoring/wheezing etc
  • increased fitness

Singing groups can be formed for:

  • community groups
  • educational groups for children and young people
  • people with breathing difficulties e.g. Asthma, COPD, bronchitis, snoring etc
  • groups with a particular musical focus
  • staff groups for relaxation and bonding
  • many more

Would you like to be part of a singing for health group?

Perhaps you would like to set one up and ask The Music Well to support you in the process?

For more information please contact us

For details of our current singing groups including Singing for Wellbeing, Singing for Better Breathing and Singing Club for Children please see our events.